Showing posts with label Tools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tools. Show all posts
Monday, 10 February 2014
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Hash Identifier

Today am going to share a very adorable script/program called "Hash Identifier",Well hash cracking and encrypting in itself is a vast field so we have to monetize ourselves with it in order to "Control The Scene",It's very easy to install or run that script like ABC.
So follow my...
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
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Uniscan Vuln Scanner

Uniscan is a web vulnerability scanner written in perl language,it comes with a variety of scanning techniques.
It is mostly used by black hat means hacker's because its very easy in usage and any can be familiar with it in just a minute it comes built in Backtrack 5 the most linux...
Monday, 6 May 2013
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Joomla Vulnerability Scanner.

Joomscan is a joomla web vulnerability scanner written in perl langauge for penetrate or finding vulnerability known already in a particular targets,Joomla is the most widely used CMS present now because of its flexibility and plugins which makes easier for webmasters to manage there...
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WordPress Vulnerability Scanner.
WPScan is a WordPress vulnerability scanner which has different flavours of exploiting wordpress based websites it is programmed in RUBY language,it can attack a wordpress website in variety of ways
like you can use non-intrusive scan you can also bruteforce the admin passwords with...
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Nikto2 Vuln Scanner
Nikto is an open source web or server vulnerability scanners widely used in pentesting or by hacker's it is also used by webmaster's to penetrate and find the vulnerabilities in there server which can be exploit with manually or by software's,Nikto scans 6500 potentially dangerous...
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Havij 1.15 Pro

Havij is an automated sql injector tools which was made my itsec team it is mostly used automated injector in windows operating system.
Havij has a very friendly interface any one can addict to it but it is a bit slow if your target has some goods waf ( web appliction firewall )...
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