Sunday, 9 March 2014

An interview with Hackers group Anonghost

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Anonghost, leaded by Mauritania Attacker, hacker group that hacked thousands of websites including government website, Database leaks, email leaks and Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Account's hijacking.

Mauritania Attacker (founder and admin) - Virusa Worm - SpitFir3 - ManSyk3z - Deto Beiber - BL4ckc0d1n6 - Dr.SàM!M_008 - Sky Lion - Kais Patron - Ian Surgent - B0o3nAs - Gbs Aremiey - Mr Domoz - RetnOHacK - Tak Dikenal - Chahid inj3ctor - b3ta - Rehber Khan - AnonxoxTN - Spec Tre - PsyferR - Raka 3r00t - Gh0st_3xp10!t - PirateX - kopra1337 - Bl4ck Jorozz - Riad Spamer - VirUs AsEr AlrOoh - Younes Lmaghribi - Zaky - Joker Inside - AreTheiS

#OpIsrael, #OpUSA, #OpPETROL,#Op Israel Birthday


Anon Ghost

1. All Though you are anonymous, would you like to share which country you belong from, or some thing about you?

Anon Ghost: we are not anonymous , we are a Team , we do not hide behind masks, we belong from
Mauritania Morocco Malaysia Indonesia Tunisia Usa Ireland

2.When did u find your interest in hacking?

Anon Ghost: we were Teamr00t , we launched AnonGhost 7 months ago

3.Why was it that you liked hacking, why you hack?

Anon Ghost: we spread awareness over the world , we do not hack for fun , we hack to spread our voice

4.What was your first hacking project, was it secret, if u want to share it, or else go with first which u can share with us?

Anon Ghost: yea , many secrets hacked by AnonGhost , we are different from other Teams we do not hide things or use them for benefice , we have one goal is to expose secrets of the Governments , if you google AnonGhost you will find all secrets

5.Ever thought of becoming white hat?

Anon Ghost: one day maybe

6.we know about your major projects,, which do you think, top ten hacking projects you are involved in?

Anon Ghost: we launched #OpIsrael 7 april it was the biggest op ever
we launched
we are now launching #OpPETROL
is #OpMyanmar
we do not anticipet

7.Is there any project, which you thought you should not have done, yes or no,, may be you would like to tell us about it?

Anon Ghost: i don't think so , we are able to do anything we want , all projects has been done successfully , we have good choice and we do not listen to people if we want to do something , we see all things in the positive side


Anon Ghost: haha never ever , and this is the thing that will never happen , and we are sure 10000000000000% hacking us is called impossible.

9.ever got into trouble due to hacking?

Anon Ghost: no never , we are organzized Team , that's why , we are united , we stand together , we are like a family

10. 5 hackers which are your inspiration. or you like them most?

Anon Ghost: well , i think there is only one he is called Farid Essabar from Morocco his nickname is Diablo

11.Which method would you use, to breach into small websites?

Anon Ghost: we use priv8 methods , we do not use programs or any software , we do only manual hacking , no BACKTRACK , no Metasploit , and just to remind you we do not breach small websites

12.Got something else that you want to share, with your friends, your enemy and the entire world?

Anon Ghost: yeaa
just a little message...!!!

for our haterz "we are AnonGhost , we still powerful , and we will stay , and we understand you , just dream more to be like us "

for our friends

" we keep fighting till the last second we do not surrender , we execute , we lead , we improve "

for the entire world

" Most of People are blind , they can't do difference between positive and negative things , because The Governments of the World has brainwashed them , and we will keep exposing the truth "

THIS INTERVIEW WAS TAKEN FROM-- Mauritania Attacker (founder and admin)

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How to make a wordlist in BackTrack 5

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How to make a wordlist in BackTrack 5

Crunch is a wordlist generator where you can specify a standard character set or a character set you specify. crunch can generate all possible combinations and permutations.

  • crunch generates wordlists in both combination and permutation ways
  • it can breakup output by number of lines or file size
  • now has resume support
  • pattern now supports number and symbols
  • pattern now supports upper and lower case characters separately
  • adds a status report when generating multiple files
  • new -l option for literal support of @,%^
  • new -d option to limit duplicate characters see man file for details
  • now has unicode support
Run it..
Go to Applications->BackTrack->Privilege escalation->Password attacks->Offline attacks->crunch
./crunch 6 8 abc123! -o wordlist.lst
To produce passwords that contain only a b c 1 2 3 ! and have length between 6 and 8 characters.

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Saturday, 8 March 2014

Information Gathering Using Backtrack Tool Goofile

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Information Gathering Using Backtrack Tool Goofile


This is a cool little tool that comes packaged with Backtrack but also can be downloaded from
The Goofile tool can search for a specific file in a given domain. The little but powerful tool was written in python by Thomas Richards at

Goofile can be found in Backtrack under Applications | Backtrack | Information Gathering | Web Application Analysis | Open source Analysis or you can open a terminal windows and enter the following command:

 cd /pentest/enumeration/google/goofile

To conduct a search using the tool Goofile you only need to type the following command in a terminal:

./ -d "domain" -f "filetype" (PHP,PDF,TXT)

"./goofile" is used to invoke the goofile python script. "-d" switch is used to specify the target domain to be searched "-f" switch is used to specify which type of files you want goofile to attempt to locate. 

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Friday, 28 February 2014

National Portal Of India Hacked

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Few Days Back,Official Website of National Portal Of India ( ) was hacked and defaced by a very well known Hacktivist Group calling themselves ZHC ( ZHackingCompanyCew ),
ZHC mostly hacks India TLD's in order to record their protest about Kashmir and brutality of Indian Army,
Well ZHC uploaded/created a content on the website possibly they weren't able to shell the targeted server,the uploaded/created content link was "" which is now deleted but the hackers have made a Mirror on Zone-h which is the most popular hacktivism archive,
you can find the Mirror HERE 

Want to notify your hacks or want us to make a news?
Send your hack details on
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Thursday, 27 February 2014

Installing LAMP in Ubuntu

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Hi Friends,
Well I was searching on Google software's that relate like xampp or wamp for Ubuntu Linux Based OS,
So i found LAMP ( Linux Apache Mysql Php ),LAMP is an open source web development that use Linux Operating System,And It's really a Cool one and not so heavy in size so let's install it on our Ubuntu,Am Installing it on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise) so Good Luck :D


1) Most Important :D boost/open up your "terminal" window,

2) Now first of all we are going to download/install "Apache" we can install it easily by just typing command
"sudo apt-get install apache2"
And hit enter,after few minutes it will automatically install apache on our Ubuntu,to check if it's really installed or not open your browser and type "localhost" in search bar and it will say/show something like this

it means Apache is successfully installed now let's move on,

3) Now we will going to Install "PHP 5" as a Server Side Scripting,you can install/download it on your Ubuntu by just entering the following command
"sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5"
Now let's check if PHP installed or not
we will going to create a simple PHP file open up your "terminal" and type "sudo gedit /var/www/test.php" it will open Gedit now write the following codes in the file : "<?phpinfo() ?>" without quotes and save it now open "localhost/test.php" if you get your phpinfo file there this means PHP is successfully installed and yeah we have setup our own working server :D

thanks for reading if you are facing any problem drop a comment below don't forget to give your feedback. 
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